Simple Questions and Answers
so you can figure out what we offer.
What does a FREE signature look like?

Max 5 characters
Blue Arial font
Standard hand writer
mailsigs URL watermark
How can I get one?
If you want a FREE one, read the rest of these faq’s first.
If you want something special click here
Why is it free?
Because we are nice, and want to tempt you into buying a custom made super duper one!
Whats the difference between a FREE sig and a custom one?
FREE sigs can only have a maximum of 5 characters, it will
be this blue and is written with the standard writing hand.
Custom sigs are better in quality and many more options are available
more info
Will it work with my email client ?
Probably, if you can insert any kind of image in your email, then you can use the sig.
First go here and dowload a sample.
Then visit the instructions pages to see if your email client is listed, if not all you need to do is google it and play with the sample signature.
What do they cost?
Basic email sigs are FREE!
Custom made ones cost:
$8 (USD)
£6 (GBP)
We accept any of the following:
Can I have one with any font/size/colour that I specify?
Yes, but you will have to pay for it more info
If it’s FREE why should I pay for one?
That’s true!…. ohh please buy one!
Can I trust this site ?
We have been around since 2002 and have been making sigs since then…off course you can, check out ‘About us’ in the top menu for more info !
What about something really really special?
If you have a special requirement ie. specific font, writer, background colour, branding images etc, infact, anything at all, Please email us with details on exactly what you require and we will come back to you with an answer and a price.
Can I make these sigs myself?
Sure you can!
I want a proper one and will pay, take me to the order form!
So, how can I get a FREE one for myself?
I have placed the order and have not got a response!
Check your SPAM folder, if nothing there, contact us using the form you can find on this site.
I have placed the order and got my order confirmation,
How can I pay for it now?
Just follow the instructions in the confirmation email, if you still have problems email us for assistance.
I have paid but have not got anything yet, whats up?
Please send us an email quoting your order code and the date you made the payment (please use the same email address as used when you placed the order).
How will I receive my sig?
You will receive it as an attachment to the email address supplied in the order form.
Do I have to pay any further costs in future to use it?
Absolutely not, once you have purchased, its yours to do whatever you wish with it FOREVER
How do I use it when I have it?
click here to find out
What file format is the animated signature?
For maximum compatibility all sigs are made as an animated gif file.